RPM Summer Speed Camp is Back!
Summer RPM camp is back for 2024!
RPM stands for Run Performance Maximization. Our goal is to teach good fundamental running technique to make young runners faster, stronger and healthier. Get outdoors for some fresh summer air with creative ways to learn and practice proper running mechanics that will energize and excite young athletes about their upcoming opportunities.
The first 2 weeks of summer vacation were intentionally chosen to get kids outside and moving right off the bat and set the tone for a healthy and active break.
In this program you will:
- Practice strong, fundamental running technique
- Improve speed speed and coordination
- Have fun, nurture a love for running
Workouts will vary in intensity realizing that many athletes are coming off spring track, soccer, lacrosse or other sport seasons. For those who start training in July/August for fall seasons, this is the perfect time to work on the fundamentals while decreasing volume and resetting the body. All athletes, young and old need to have cycles to their training to avoid burnout and injury. Too many are going full throttle year round and the technique of running, movement, balance, stability and mobility get overlooked until they face an injury and rehab is required.
Breaking into two groups allows for a more age-appropriate experience:
Young Runners Camp – grades 2-5
Perfect whether you love to run, want to be faster, or just like to play and have fun outside with friends! The primary focus will be on coordination, proprioception/body awareness, running and movement skills. It will feature a combination of drills, challenges, games, races, and other activities which practice the art and science of running. Our goals at this age are to increase confidence, success, encourage continued participation is sports and other healthy lifestyle activities .
Location: Portage West Middle School
Dates: June 10-13 & 17-20
Time: 8:30 – 9:30 am
Cost: Full session $190 / half session $115
Includes: Free RPM t-shirt if registered by May 24th!
Need for Speed – grades 6-12
This program is a little more advanced and offers the more competitive runners and athletes an opportunity to perfect the skill and technique of running. We will help you improve performance and avoid injury next season. It will also be fun, challenging and educational at the same time. We will focus on strengthening and engaging the right muscles, perfecting posture, landing, stability, cadence, mobility, rhythm, breathing techniques, nutrition and more – all the little things that differentiate good runners from great runners!
Location: Portage West Middle School
Dates: June 10-13 & 17-20
Time: 9:30 – 10:30 am
Cost: Full session $190 / half session $115
Includes: Free RPM t-shirt if registered by May 24
Every runner faces a roughly 80% chance of injury each year. The skills learned from this camp will drastically reduce those odds, while at the same time creating a more effortless and efficient running technique. The feeling is empowering and the results are amazing!